28 November, 2024 21:29
The Capital Market Authority's Board approved an amendment to the Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies, which will come into effect upon publication. The approved amendment aims to provide greater flexibility for listed companies in share buyback and sale operations by easing restrictions. This improvement aims to boost investment efficiency in the Saudi capital market while aligning with relevant global practices. The amendment provides greater flexibility for listed companies by developing the provisions regulating listed companies' shares buy-back or sale. It stipulates that daily share buybacks must not exceed 25% of the average daily trading volume of the company's shares over the last five trading days preceding the purchase. Similarly, the sale of treasury shares in a single trading day must not exceed 25% of the average daily trading volume of the company's shares over the same period. Private buy and sell transactions are excluded from the calculation of the daily trading volume. Additionally, the amendment extends the period during which the Board may be authorized to execute share buybacks to 18 months. The previous version of the Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies specified the approved quantity of the company's shares that could be bought or sold by the company itself in a single trading day. These quantities included either the buyback amounts determined and approved by the extraordinary general assemblies of listed companies or the treasury share sale amounts set and approved by the Board, provided they did not conflict with the extraordinary general assembly's decision regarding the buyback of these shares. The regulations required the Boards of Directors to complete the buyback process within a maximum of 12 months from the date of the general assembly's decision. The project to amend the Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies stems from the Capital Market Authority's commitment to developing the capital market and regulating trading operations, whether in the buyback or sale of treasury shares by listed companies. It is noted that on June 6, 2024, the Capital Market Authority published the draft amendment to the Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies on the Unified Electronic Platform for Consulting the Public and Government Entities (Public Consultation Platform) affiliated to the National Competitiveness Center and the CMA's website for public consultation. The Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies can be found at the following link: The Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies
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